We love to have families and the community involved in our school events. Please be mindful that you are a role model for all of our students. We appreciate the support that you give in helping our students to be successful!
Fall Conferences will be Oct. 14-15 from 3-7. Sign up below. Conference Sign Up School Supply List-ENG School Supply List-SPA ______________________________________ Summer Reading at the Public Library ______________________________________ Screenagers: Addressing Youth Mental Health eng/span flyer __________________________________________________________________________________ Lanzamiento en la escuela intermedia...spanish Launching into Middle School Presentation...english ____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Institute-April-Newsletter-eng. Parent Institute-April.-Newsletter-span. __________________________________________ Lost something??? Checkout the lost and found video for your missing items. VIDEO __________________________________________________________________
District Family Calendar 2024-2025 is linked here
Lawrence Community Calendar 2024-2025 is linked here School is in session from 7:45 am to 2:35 pm
Students are allowed on campus at 7:20 am Office hours: 7:00 am to 3:15 pm Attendance Line: 303-982-1824